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At the end of Neands, in a world that has turned against them, Charlie, Pru, and Ivy have found refuge but they are desperate for answers. As they set out to find out what happened to Charlie’s mother and their foster parents, Alan and Ngaire, Em and her brother Miro are risking their lives to escape the horrors of a Neand-run youth home in the South Island. When their paths cross, they face a fight for their future. If they have any future at all.

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October, 2020

What if evolution went wrong and the human race was threatened at the very core of its DNA? Charlie (14) lives at a time when a new virus is  infecting Homo sapiens. They are becoming more hostile and aggressive, even his friends, teachers, schoolmates and authority figures are succumbing to their recessive Neanderthal gene.

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Claudia Pond Eyley and Dan Salmon

FORMAT: Paperback, Ebook

PAGES: 320

PUBLISHED: October 2015

AVAILABILITY: Out of stock/print

SPECS: 22.8cm x 15.2cm

ISBN: 9781869408381


A revealing insiders’ account of Helen Clark’s political life and and world.

New Zealand's first elected woman prime minister; nine years in power through the foreshore and seabed, Afghanistan and Iraq, Corngate and Paintergate; head of the UN Development Program and ranked among the most powerful women in the world. Helen Clark's public life is well known. But what about the inside stories? During 2012-2013, documentary-makers Claudia Pond Eyley and Dan Salmon interviewed a host of participants about the life of Helen Clark: from her father George Clark to friend Cath Tizard, Richard Prebble to Jim Anderton, Winston Peters to Don Brash, Jacinda Ardern to John Key, Helen Clark and her contemporaryies bring to life the tumultuous life and times of one of our most important political leaders. Through the words of the players themselves, sometimes raw, sometimes angry, we find ourselves taken inside the major political developments of the last fifty years. This is a frank, revealing account of Helen Clark and her world.


More about Claudia Pond Eyley and Dan Salmon

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